Updates in Vim Land 2013
More than a year has passed since I wrote about updates of my Vim
configuration. During that year, several changes accumulated concerning package
management, folds, mappings and general organization of my .vimrc
Vundle becomes NeoBundle
Vundle worked very well over the last year, but sometimes you want to pin a particular revision or branch of a repository. For instance, I keep a fork of the vim-markdown-folding plugin to prevent the plugin from setting the foldtext variable. With Shougo’s NeoBundle.vim plugin, I can simply specify my forked branch without messing with master. To switch from Vundle to NeoBundle add
if has('vim_starting')
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim
call neobundle#rc(expand('~/.vim/bundle/'))
on top and replace Bundle with NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'matze/vim-markdown-folding', 'user-defined-foldtext'
NeoBundle 'mileszs/ack.vim'
NeoBundle 'nanotech/jellybeans.vim'
There is one shortcoming compared to Vundle though: you won’t see a nice status
and summary page when running :NeoBundleUpdate
Powerline becomes Airline
The author of the original vim-powerline plugin deprecated it in favor of Python-based powerline that covers much more than just Vim. Unfortunately, the old plugin isn’t maintained any more1 and the new one is a big project with currently 192 open issues and 25 open pull requests.
Fortunately, Bailey Ling stepped up and wrote a complete replacement called vim-airline that is lighter than powerline and written in pure Vimscript. I’ll spare you a screenshot as the look itself didn’t really change.
ag is better than ack is better than grep
Years ago I switched from regular grep to ack for typical searches because it is faster, has saner defaults and doesn’t search files and directories I am usually not interested in2. Recently, ag aka The Silver Searcher by Geoff Greer made the rounds. It is much faster than ack but provides an ack-compatible interface, hence with ack.vim and
let g:ackprg="ag --nogroup --nocolor --column"
you have ag at your finger tips.
Because ack was not extremely fast, I didn’t use it that often and never felt
bothered calling it via :Ack
and search for the current word with <C-r><C-w>
from the command line. Now, it bothers me because launching the search should
not be slower than the actual search. Hence I mapped the :Ack
command with
nnoremap <C-i> :Ack! <C-r><C-w><CR>
Now, it’s a breeze to search for terms.
I’ve written about how I embraced folding already. I mark all important dot
files with fold markers and try to use them in all source files wherever I can.
For that purpose, I use a fork of vim-markdown-folding and my own
vim-ini-fold and vim-tex-fold plugins. One big productivity boost comes
from mapping <CR>
to za
which opens and closes a fold.
By default, the fold text (the compressed representation of the folded text) does not look very appealing. But it can be changed pretty easily with a custom fold text function like this.
One word about configuration management
Maintaining the old shell script for linking dot files and setting up Git submodules was working but not in the true spirit of “Don’ Repeat Yourself” because I had to edit it for each new dot file that I included.
Luckily, I stumbled upon seashell that takes care of such things through a
sole Makefile
. By default, make
will initialize Git submodules found in the
dotfile repository and make install
will create symbolic links for any file or
directory starting with a dot except for Git-specific files. Also, any files
that ends with .export
will be linked to without the .export
suffix. Hence,
you can have .gitconfig
ignoring files in your dotfile repository and
ignoring files in all Git repositories.
An additional Makefile.conf
provides hooks to customize the initialization and
export steps. This comes in handy for programs that store their configuration
files in $XDG_CONFIG_DIR
, e.g. ~/.config
. Instead of versioning the entire
dir, you can use
to link everything inside $DOT_DIR/.config
to ~/.config
. Another nice
feature of seashell is post-installation code, that can be defined in the
configuration. For example, msmtp requires that its configuration file can only
be accessed by the user, hence adding
define install_append
@chmod 600 $(HOME)/.msmtprc
ensures that this is the case.
The last commits were authored more than a year and committed ten months ago.
2: For example, ack ignores .git
directories and backup~