A tiny Vim plugin for interactive Git rebasing
One of Git’s killer features is interactive rebase. After choosing a range of commits and rebasing them interactively with
git rebase -i HEAD~10
you can re-order, edit, drop and squash commits, simply by fiddling with the
list of commits pasted into your favorite editor. Some actions are easily done
in Vim (e.g. deleting or moving lines), others require writing whatever you
intend to do with the commit. Because I squash a lot, I became tired of typing
over and over again and finally sat down to write this stupid little
filetype plugin:
function RebaseActionToggle()
let line = getline(".")
let result = matchstr(line, "^\\a")
let transitions = {'p': 'squash', 's': 'edit', 'e': 'fixup', 'f': 'pick'}
execute "normal! ^cw" . transitions[result]
noremap <Cr> :call RebaseActionToggle()<Cr>
If you save it as gitrebase.vim
in .vim/after/ftplugin
, you can cycle
through the different rebase actions by pressing Enter:

Have fun with that.